promethazine with codein street prices

What is the street value 3. 5 ounces of.
Sep 29, 2006 It’s what’s known on the street as "Lean," a highly addictive cocktail of cough ago the price for a pint of codeine promethazene cough syrup was
How much does an ounce of promethazine.
We have observed a strange couple of facts about blogsites that talk about medications. Namely, in most of the cases, the people who are writing articles about the
promethazine with codein street prices
BUY Codeine Online | Learn about Codeine.
1/2 oz = $10-20, 1 oz = $25-40, 1 1/2 oz = $45-60, 2 oz = $65-75, 2 1/2 oz = $80-90, 3oz = $95-100, 3 1/2-4 oz = 110-140
Promethazine DM Syrup
Urban Dictionary: promethazine/codeine
Codeine and Promethazine - Addiction,.

What is the street price of codeine cough.
its usually sold 5 or 10 dollars a mililiter depending on the availability of the drug on your streets stuff like this is usually up to the dealer and who is buying it
Not finding your answer? Try searching the web for How much does an ounce of promethazine with codeine cost on the street
Lean is a mixed drink originating in the Southern Rap culture. It is a mixture of Promethazine and Codeine cough syrup and a soft drink such as Spr
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promethazine with codein street prices
Sippin on syrup, lean, purple drank – whatever you call it, drinking codeine and promethazine containing cough syrup will get you high, but it's also dangerous and55 Street Uhren Große Auswahl an exklusiven Uhren.
Smoking Promethazine with Codeine .