browser closes unexpectedly

Steven M. Gillon is the resident historian of The History Channel and host of HistoryCENTER . Having taught at both Oxford and Yale, he is currently a professor at
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Error 1067 Process Terminated Unexpectedly
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16.10.2008 · Best Answer: You have a rogue infection that is Redirecting your browser away from what you want to access - Read carefully - Restart in "safe mode" with has stopped.
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For the last two days while I am surfing the net the Internet Explorer will just close on me for no reason. I have to double click the icon on my
Der Internet Explorer 10
browser closes unexpectedly
All too frequently, when I try to start the Browser, I get the message: has stopped unexpectedly? with a Force Close button. Then

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Passed Away Unexpectedly
browser closes unexpectedly
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